
Kallo Finance LTD is an appointed representative of Sesame Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Country of registration: England or Wales. Registered number: 11481161. Registered address: 14 Orchard street, Maidstone, ME15 6NR. For will writing and pension we act as introducers only. The FCA does not regulate will writing services. On clicking the third-party website links, you will leave the regulated site of Kallo Finance Ltd. Neither Kallo Finance Ltd, nor Sesame Ltd, is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained within the linked site. The FCA does not regulate solicitors and some forms of buy to let mortgages and bridging finance. For solicitors we act as introducers only.

If you are experiencing financial difficulty and struggling to make repayments, then you can contact your lender who may be able to help taking account of your individual circumstances.

You may want to contact one of the free impartial money guidance and debt advice services such as StepChange, Citizens Advice, or Turn2Us.

You can provide feedback or make a complaint to our network Sesame. Please contact them on the details below:

Write to: The Customer Relations Department, Sesame Limited, Fourth Floor, Jackson House, Sibson Road, Sale, M33 7RR.


Telephone: 0345 0456 800 (Mon-Fri 9 am to 5 pm)