Tamas and his family approached us in April 2023 as they wanted to buy a flat in Maidstone.
We did everything we could to complete this purchase, we waited many months for the sellers and we found out that the service charge was higher than expected, the management company responded really slowly (if they even cared to respond) so just before completion Tamas decided they will not proceed with this purchase.
It seems like an easy decision but when you spend hundreds of pounds on something, you stress a lot and wait a lot of time, it is a really hard decision.
Eventually Tamas came back to us and confirmed they do not wish to buy a flat again, they wanted to move up north to buy a house instead.
We instructed our solicitor on 01/09/2024 and we managed to complete this new purchase on 25/01/2024. We could have completed it in about 2 months, but Christmas came and everything stopped for about 3 weeks.
Overall, we are really proud of Tamas and his family, as they worked so hard over the past years and they were extremely determined to buy this house. One thing is worth mentioning is their patience, as whatever problem we faced, they were extremely cool and relaxed all the way to completion.
We believe they are proof that if you have a dream and you work hard for it, eventually you can achieve it.
Congratulations to you, we hope you will enjoy your new home and thank you for choosing us 🙂